Friday, 15 May 2020


Please find the latest update concerning over the Board Chess from our League Chairman.


Dear All,

The Coventry Chess League remains suspended due to the present Covid 19 pandemic but as Chairman of the League I thought I would update you on the situation as your committee sees it.

It seems that there is no immediate prospect of over the board chess restarting any time soon.  It might well be that the pubs and social clubs that many of us use as venues are among the last places to reopen.  Nevertheless your committee recently 'met' on Zoom to discuss what the future might look like and to be prepared to be in a position to restart when it is safe to do so.

With this in mind I would like to communicate to all members of the Coventry League our intention to continue playing chess in the 2020-21 season even if it takes a different form to that which we have known previously. We also plan to complete 2019-20 with the three outstanding matches to decide the final three tournaments.
If over the board chess is not possible then there will be an online presence for the Coventry League.

Therefore please keep your Tuesdays free during our normal Autumn/Winter playing season as there will be some form of activity.  The Coventry League committee will continue to 'meet' online and we will be consulting with all of our clubs as to how to develop in the future.
You might also wish to note that at present the 3rd Coventry Chess League Congress due for Sunday 6th December 2020 is still in the diary.

Many thanks and best wishes.
Colin Green