Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Summer Cup Round 2 Results

Round 2 Summer Cup Results

D. Ireland 1 0 I.Evans
E.Goodwin .5 .5 P.Smith
B.Graff      1 0 C.Blackburn
R. Holmes .5 .5 R.B Manickam
R.Parekh   1  0 J.Harris
D.Filer      1 0 P.Sweatman
T.Beesley  1 0 R.Sian
T.White     0 1 D.Sheward
G.Cornall  0 1 S.Vats
T.Gazee    0  1 S.Whitmore

The above results mean that after 2 rounds only three players are on 2 points :-

D.Ireland  2
R.Parekh  2
B.Graff     2

E.Goodwin 1.5
R.Holmes    1.5
D.Filer         1.5
P.Smith        1.5
R.B.Manickam 1.5
C.Blackburn   1
J.Harris           1
S.Whitmore    1
T.Beesley        1
S.Vats             1
D.Sheward     1
I.Evans           .5
P.Sweatman    0
T,White          0
T.Gazee         0
G.Cornell      0

Next Round Tuesday 13th May 2014 7.30pm.

It is hoped to have the Club AGM on the 24th June 2014 8pm. Will confirm the date later in the month.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Summer Cup Round 1 Results

The first round of the Summer Cup results are as follows:

D.Ireland        1 0 D.Sheward
E.Goodwin     1 0 T.Beesley
B.Graff           1 0 R.Sian
R.Holmes       1 0 S.Vats
C.Blackburn   1 0 P.Sweatman
J.Harris          1 0 G.Cornell
D.Filer           .5 .5  I.Evans
P.Smith          1 0 T.White
R.B.Manickam 1 0 S.Whitmore
R.Parekh      1 0 S.Weaver
D.Rowlands  Default
T.Gazee        Default

There were no surprise results in the first round, although there still some very close matches. There will also be a new holder of the Summer Cup as Joshua Pink has had to withdraw due to work commitments.

Next Round of the Cup Tuesday 6th May 7.30pm start.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Congratulations KO Cup Result

Last night the D Team won the KO Cup

So Congratulations go to Ben Graff, Pete Smith, Stan Whitmore, Clive Blackburn and Wesley Beeston.

This now means that the D team have won the Divison 2 and the KO Cup


Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Summer Cup - John Evans Memorial Trophy

The first round of the The Summer Cup will start on Tuesday 29th April 2014. Normal format.

Swiss Tournament. Six Rounds. Free Entry to Coventry Chess Club members. This year to be graded games.

It is intended to run the competition over the following consecutive Tuesdays with the final round taking place on 3rd June 2014.

I have tried to contact everyone to see if they wish to participate but if I have not spoken to yet and you want to play do give me a call or email me. So far there are 21 entrants.

If you can not make any particular week do please let me know.

This year the defending Champion is Joshua Pink - who will be able to topple him ? Good Luck to everyone.


Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Saitek Chess Clocks

As we are starting to use Digital Clocks more and more I found this instructional video on Youtube on how to set our Digital Clocks.

If you wish to search for any more information the name of the clock we use is Saitek Digital Clock.


Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Division 2 Final Result

Congratulations go to Coventry D for winning Division 2.

They are level on points but win on game difference from University C and Rugby B.

For most of the season University have been top of the table and looked to be running away with the title. So well done to the D team players for securing the title at this late stage.

The team was made up of the following players:-

Pete "Terry Butcher" Smith all though his team call him "Captain Fantastic" to his face and other things behind his back!

Stan "The Killer" Whitmore

Clive "Billy the Kid" Blackburn

Wesley "Big Boy" Beeston

and some guest appearances by Ben "The Super Sub"Graff

Good Luck in the First Division next season !