Saturday, 14 May 2022

AGM Tuesday 17th May 2022

Final Reminder AGM this Tuesday 17th May. Start 7.45pm.

Massey Ferguson Social Club

All members welcome

Thursday, 5 May 2022

Summer Cup Results

 The final round of the Summer Cup was completed last Tuesday. My Thanks to Dave Filer for once again stepping in to run the evening as I was unfortunately unwell.

The competition has been a close contest but Josh Pink is the Winner of the Tournament and the Runner Up is Mike Donnelly.
The winner of the U120 is Margarita Nasibova
Congratulations to all the winners and the presentation will take place at the AGM on the 17th May.

I hope all players enjoyed this fun tournament and we look forward to next year's competition now Covid is hopefully y behind us.

Results for 6th Round of Summer Cup
Margarita Nasibova .5 .5 M.Donnelly
J.Pink 1 0 W.Beeston
C.Badley 0 1 E.Goodwin
A.Vickers 0 1 P.Dean
T.Stamper 1 0 H.Jones
P.Smith 1 0 B.Read
J.Conway 1 0 D.Copson
M.Johnson 1 0 P.Kelly
D.Adams 0 A.Breeden
Points so far
J.Pink 5.5
M.Donnelly 4.5
Margarita Nasibova 4
T.Stamper 4
J.Conway 4
W.Beeston 3.5
W.Scaife 3.5
M.Johnson 3
P.Smith 3
H.Jones 2.5
C.Badley 2.5
Ed Goodwin 2.5
D.Copson 2.5
P.Dean 2.5
Bava 2
B.Read 2
Pablo 2
S.Whitmore 1.5
A.Vickers 1.5
A.Breeden 1.5
David Filer 1.5
A.Bemi 1
J.Rivett 0

Friday, 15 April 2022

Summer Cup Round 3 Results

 Results for 3rd Round of Summer Cup

J.Pink 1 0 Margarita Nasibova
M.Donnelly 1 0 W.Beeston
Bava 0 1 C.Badley
E.Goodwin 0 1 T.Stamper
W.Scaife 0 1 H. Jones
M.Johnson 1 0 P.Smith
J.Conway 1 0 B.Read
A.Vickers 1 0 J.Rivett
R.Watson 0 1 S.Whitmore
D.Copson .5 .5 A.Breeden
P.Dean 0 1 R.Alexander
J.Pink 3
M.Donnelly 3
Bava 1.5
W.Scaife 1.5
W.Beeston 2
B.Read 1
A.Bemi 1
M.Johnson 2
H.Jones 2
P.Smith 1
C.Badley 2
A.Vickers 1.5
P.Dean 1
T.Stamper 2
J.Conway 2
S.Whitmore 1.5
D.Copson .5
J.Rivett 0
Pablo 1
A.Breeden .5

Thursday, 7 April 2022

Richard Buxton has contacted us with the following request. 

Warwickshire County U1650 have reached the quarter-finals of the ECF County Championship.

The Match is being held on Saturday 21st May and although the draw has not been made yet there is a strong possibility that we will be playing at home. If this is the case the venue will be at Stratford upon Avon.
If you are interested email or message me on 07710594627, and include your mobile number and email address to allow easy communication.

Saturday, 2 April 2022

Summer Cup Round One

I am pleased to say the First Round of the Summer Cup took place last Tuesday. Although it is clear that Covid is still ever present with a number of players having to withdraw due to covid or their partners getting covid. I myself was also ill! with either covid or a cold so felt it was prudent not to come to the Club. So my Thanks to Dave Filer who stepped in at the last minute to organise the tournament on Tuesday. As I was not present I do not have any match reports. However, despite covid,there was still a good turn out of over 22 players.
Next round is Tuesday 5th April. If you are unavailable for any round could you please let me know as soon as possible.
The match results are as follows from Round One: J.Pink 1 0 P.Dean Dr. M.Donnelly 1 0 T.Stamper E.Goodwin 1 0 J.Conway Bava 1 0 S.Whitmore W.Scaife 1 0 D.Copson Margarita 1 0 J.Rivett N.Morris 0 1 Benjy Read Mike Johnson .5 .5 H.Jones W.Beeston 1 0 Pablo P.Smith .5 .5 C.Badley A.Duragbemi 1 0 Adam Breeden J.Pink 1 M.Donnelly 1 Ed Goodwin 1 Bava 1 W.Scaife 1 Margarita Nasibova 1 W.Beeston 1 B.Read 1 A.Bemi 1 M.Johnson .5 H.Jones .5 P.Smith .5 C.Badley .5 A.Vickers .5 David Filer .5 P.Dean 0 T.Stamper 0 J.Conway 0 S.Whitmore 0 D.Copson 0 J.Rivett 0 Pablo 0 A.Breeden 0 Please note for further updates I will post into our FB Group

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Latest KO Cup match fixtures for March 8th.

We have a chance of at least one team in the Final and possibly two. Good Luck to all teams.
I hope to start the Summer Cup on Tuesday 29th March. Normal Format.

Swiss Tournament. 6 Rounds for 6 consecutive weeks. Normal League Rules to apply.
Trophy for the Winner and Runner Up. Plus the best performing player u120. No entry fee, but donations are welcome to Coventry Chess Club.
KO Cup Matches

Rugby A v Coventry Chess Club A

Kenilworth v Coventry Chess Club E

Plate Match
Nuneaton C v Coventry Chess Club D